Nathan Boone, the youngest child of Daniel and Rebecca Bryan Boone, was born on March 2,…
The Boone’s Lick Road was the first major conduit to the trans-Mississippi West after the …
A lawyer, author, diplomat, and journalist in the early Federal and Jacksonian eras, Henry…
Robert Campbell’s lengthy life bridged the transition from fur trade to modern capitalistic…
In the early history of St. Louis and its trans-Mississippi hinterlands, Auguste Chouteau…
Jean Pierre Chouteau, known as Pierre, was a pioneer settler in St. Louis and the territory that was to…
Marie Thérèse Bourgeois Chouteau was born in New Orleans on January 14, 1733, but she was…
Pierre Chouteau Jr., scion of the powerful early St. Louis family and the most influential…
Jacques Phillippe Clamorgan arrived on the Missouri frontier in the early 1780s and spent the rest of his…
Francisco Cruzat, the only Spanish lieutenant governor of Upper Louisiana to occupy that…