Child giving tooth to survey

The Baby Tooth Survey was formed in 1958 by the Committee of Nuclear Information, a grassroots organization that…

Curtis Fletcher Marbut, circa 1930s. [State Historical Society of Missouri, Curtis F. Marbut Papers, C3720]

Curtis Fletcher Marbut revolutionized American thinking in soil science and had an…

Keith McCanse pictured on the cover of the April 1929 issue of Missouri Game and Fish News. [Courtesy of the Missouri State Archives]

Governor Sam Baker’s appointment of Keith McCanse as game and fish…

woodcut illustration of the New Madrid quakes

During the early hours of December 16, 1811, a series of violent shakes roused inhabitants of the mid-Mississippi…

Theodore Pease Russell. [State Historical Society of Missouri, John Steele McCormick Collection, R0877]

Born in 1820, Theodore Russell was the third son of Cyrus and Rebecca Russell, who…

Carl O. Sauer. © Chicago Maroon. [University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center, apf7-01181]

Carl Sauer probably had a more profound effect on American geographic thought than any…

Dan Saults. [Courtesy of the Missouri State Archives, RG103, Department of Conservation Photograph Collection]

Charles Daniel Saults was a leading voice in Missouri conservation for forty years. Trained…

Henry Rowe Schoolcraft. [Popular Science Monthly, May 1890]

Henry Rowe Schoolcraft has a deserved reputation as an accomplished scientist-explorer who…

Otto Widmann in 1883. [Wilson Bulletin, September 1927]
