Isidor Loeb, a longtime Missouri educator and authority on state government and taxation,…
Mary Elizabeth Mahnkey was a lifelong newspaper and magazine journalist, and a regional poet. Born in Boone…
John Malang, “The Father of Missouri Roads,” was born on September 9, 1866 or 1867. Sources provide…
Annie Minerva Turnbo Pope Malone was born in Metropolis, Illinois, on August 9, 1869, to Robert and Isabella Cook…
Curtis Fletcher Marbut revolutionized American thinking in soil science and had an…
Born on March 14, 1833, near Arrow Rock, Missouri, John Sappington Marmaduke is the only…
Louis Miller was an influential builder-architect who lived in Arcadia, in Iron County, and…
Virginia Louisa Minor was born on March 27, 1824, in Caroline County, Virginia, the second…
When French explorer Robert La Salle passed by the mouth of the Missouri River in 1682, he wrote that on its banks…
Louis M. Monsees, a livestock breeder, is recognized for his contributions to the breeding…