Morris Birkbeck. [Morris Birkbeck and George Flower, History of the English Settlement in Edwards County, Illinois (Chicago: Fergus Printing Co., 1882)]

An early pioneer-farming expert and author, Morris Birkbeck exerted an enormous influence…

Daniel Bissell. [Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, Photographs and Prints Collection, Portraits, N38584]

The builder and commandant of Fort Bellefontaine, General Daniel Bissell served with…

William K. Bixby. [Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, Photographs and Prints Collection, N20996]

One of the key St. Louis businessmen and philanthropists of his generation in St. Louis,…

Emily Newell Blair portrait

Writer, suffragist, national Democratic Party political leader, and feminist, Emily Newell Blair was born in Joplin…

Karl Bodmer circa 1877. [Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-50540]

Among the early artists to explore the trans-Mississippi River frontier, Karl Bodmer’s stay…

Henry Boernstein circa 1873. [Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, Photographs and Prints Collection, N20961]

Henry Boernstein, a journalist and dramatist, was born Georg Christian Heinrich Börnstein…

Lilburn Boggs. [Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, Photographs and Prints Collection, N11644]

Born in Lexington, Kentucky, on December 14, 1792, Lilburn W. Boggs became one of the most…

Lewis Bogy. [Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, Brady-Handy Photograph Collection, LC-DIG-cwpbh-00128]

Born in Ste. Genevieve on April 9, 1818, as a descendant of early French…

The Louis Bolduc House in Ste. Genevieve. [State Historical Society of Missouri, Missouri Postcard Collection, P0032]

Louis Bolduc was born near Quebec City in the village of St. Joachim around 1739 (his…

Bollinger’s Mill. Photo by Carol M. Highsmith. [Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-DIG-highsm-65211]

A group of German-Swiss immigrants landed in Philadelphia in 1710 and settled in southeast…

Benjamin Louis Eulalie de Bonneville. [Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, Photographs and Prints Collection, N38643]

Benjamin Louis Eulalie de Bonneville was born in Paris, France, in 1796. His father, a…

Daniel Boone. Boone sat for artist Chester Harding shortly before his death in 1820. It is the only known portrait of Boone painted from life. [National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, NPG.2015.102]

Daniel Boone is most commonly known as a hunter, trapper, and frontier settler, but he also…

This lunette in the Missouri State Capitol, painted by Victor Higgins, depicts the sons of Daniel Boone manufacturing salt at Boone’s Lick in central Missouri. [Missouri State Archives, Ken Raveill Collection, MS386, 004-030]

Daniel Morgan Boone was born on December 23, 1769, the seventh child of

Nathan Boone. The date of the photo is unknown. [State Historical Society of Missouri, R. L. Hosman Collection (P0925)]

Nathan Boone, the youngest child of Daniel and Rebecca Bryan Boone, was born on March 2,…

A 1911 State Highway Department map of the Boone’s Lick Road and Santa Fe Trail. [State Historical Society of Missouri Map Collection, 850 M691h 1911]

The Boone’s Lick Road was the first major conduit to the trans-Mississippi West after the 

John Homer Bothwell. [State Historical Society of Missouri, Missouri General Assembly Portraits, P0217]

John Homer Bothwell, a capitalist, philanthropist, attorney, and state representative, was…

Henry Marie Brackenridge. [State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory]

A lawyer, author, diplomat, and journalist in the early Federal and Jacksonian eras, Henry…

James O. Broadhead. [Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, Photographs and Prints Collection, P0233-2792]

James Overton Broadhead was born on May 29, 1819, in Charlottesville, Virginia, the oldest…

Henry Conrad Brokmeyer. [State Historical Society of Missouri, Mit Feder Und Hammer! (With Feather and Hammer!): The German Experience in Missouri Collection (S941)]

Henry Conrad Brokmeyer, a “mechanic,” self-taught philosopher, and politician, was the…

Nathaniel C. Bruce (right) and an unidentified student from the Bartlett Agricultural and Industrial School. [State Historical Society of Missouri photo collections]

Although his date of birth remains uncertain, Nathaniel C. Bruce was probably born in 1868…

Missouri Encyclopedia logo

Although Alexander Buckner served in Missouri’s 1820 Constitutional Convention, the state…

Peter Hardeman Burnett, circa 1860. [University of California, Berkeley, Bancroft Library]

Born on November 15, 1807, in Nashville, Tennessee, Peter Hardeman Burnett was the eldest son of George and…

DeVerne Calloway. [State Historical Society of Missouri, Mary K. Dains Photograph Collection, P0300-018642]

DeVerne Lee Calloway was born in Memphis, Tennessee, on June 17, 1916. She attended LeMoyne…

Ernest Calloway. [State Historical Society of Missouri, Ernest Calloway Papers (S0011), S540.267]

Ernest Calloway was born in Herberton, West Virginia, on January 1, 1909. His family became…

Robert Campbell. [Missouri Historical Society, St. Louis, Photographs and Prints Collection, N38642]

Robert Campbell’s lengthy life bridged the transition from fur trade to modern capitalistic…